
Solve real estate social and problems with professional problem solving skills

In response to various individualized issues of real estate, we purchase properties based on flexible judgments and flexible decisions.By solving various issues that become social problems through the wisdom of complex properties and complexity related to rights, we will solve problems for those involved in them and provide know-how that is useful to the world by creating new real estate value.

Purchase due to various problems of rental property

Because the location is good, the value of the land is high, but the building is old, and the resident lives for a long time, so it is “hard to sell” as it is.
As rents fall in aging rental properties, and repair costs are increasing, “I want to part with it somehow because profitability falls.”
Considering the inheritance later, i don’t want my wife and children to have a hard time managing old rental properties, so I want to cash in.
It is serious if the owner is held accountable if something happens to the resident as it is because the building is old and there is “uneasiness in the earthquake resistance”

Purchase of leasehold rights

There is no contract in the lease from old times, and there is a delinquency of the land fee, too and the burden of the property tax is large.
Considering only the income of the land, even if the property tax is paid, the remainder is insignificant.
It is the land to be inherited from the ancestor, but the inheritance tax evaluation value is high, and the inheritance tax becomes high and cannot be paid at this rate.
The building is old and i want to rebuild it, but I can’t borrow it, so I want to replace it with a land building with ownership.

Utilization by purchase and rebuilding proposals for vacant house problems caused by aging and inheritance

Because it is considerably aging, I want to sell it as soon as possible because a considerable renovation cost hangs.
Because it is not possible to use it as it is either because of the aging of the building either way, I want to talk about “Whether to sell or to rebuild”.
There are a lot of household goods and leftovers, so it’s a hassle, but I want to “sell them early without spending anymoney”
Because the border conditions are bad, if we can’t rebuild it as it is in this problem, we can’t sell it.

The Present Situation and Problems of Vacant Houses

Decrease in disaster prevention
Collapse, collapse, fall of roof and exterior wall
Fear of fire

Decrease in security
The Induction of Crime

Illegal dumping of garbage
Deterioration of hygiene and occurrence of odors
Mosquitoes, flies, mice, stray cats, concentration

The landscape and the deterioration of the landscape
Cross-border of tree branches, weed sprouts, scattering of fallen leaves, etc.


Purchase by complex problem of owning shared property by inheritance

Because there was no will, it was decided to own the property under the shared name by the inheritance division consultation by the heir, but when considering that the number of people who share it increases every future inheritance, “I want to cash because it is troublesome”
Three brothers in the inheritance of father and old old apartment in the shared name, and the necessity of a large-scale repair occurred, but the burden amount is large and younger brothers are in trouble without agreeing.
“I want to part with it as soon as possible” because it will share the property which was originally shared with the uncle by the inheritance of father, and it will be a complex feeling.
Originally shared interest in his brother at the time of his parents’ inheritance, but now he is in trouble for selling his home because of estrangement.

The aging problem of condominiums for sale of old earthquake-resistant standards for leased land

At that time, he owns more than 40 years of condominiums and bottom land built in equivalent exchanges, but he is worried about the future in this era of earthquakes.
There are a lot of division owners to rebuild, and it is not possible to put it together because it does not understand what to do only by the management association.
As a result of the earthquake-resistant diagnosis, “there is a high risk of collapse or collapse against the vibration and impact of the earthquake”, it is also uneasy to continue to live because the earthquake resistance judgment results have come out.

Contact us

For each service such as purchase, sale, and assessment of investment and business real estate For inquiries and consultations, please contact us here.

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Hours: 9:00-18:00 (weekdays)
Closed Every Saturday, Sunday and public holidays

代表取締役 黒田史郎

特定建設業:東京都知事 許可(特―30)第140719号
一級建築士事務所:東京都知事登録 第60026号

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