ReValue (Redevelopment and Resale)

Solve the problems and problems facing local communities and contribute new value to local communities

By analyzing the history and potential of its location in detail, we envision a “bustle” that is conscious of the future of people, and believe that the value that comes from it will also lead to the creation of real estate value.It aims to revive real estate, which has become aging over the years and has declined in asset value due to changes in the times.

Due to the aging of condominiums for sale, social problems

With the aging of condominiums that have become a social problem in Japan, there are currently about 810,000 condominiums over 40 years old, about 2.4 times more than 1.98 million in 10 years, and about 4.5 times more than 3.67 million in 20 years, and buildings that lack earthquake resistance are expected to be at risk in the event of an earthquake or other disaster.
We will conduct a redevelopment project through initiatives in response to the Act on facilitation of condominium rebuilding, etc. for aging condominiums, where a proper management system is being questioned.

Number of condominiums for sale over 30, 40, and 50 years after construction

※2020年2月「マンションの管理の適正化の推進に関する法律及びマンションの建替え等の 円滑化に関する法律の一部を改正する法律案」国土交通省 資料より

Resuscitated to a condominium for sale of one rental apartment

By dividing one rental apartment building with a well-equipped living environment and making it a condominium for sale, by selling to rental residents who liked the living environment and location very much, we will be able to fully renovate the case and vacancies, and supply “good used condominiums” to the market by enhancing and selling the facilities of the same facilities as new buildings.

Regeneration of aging buildings in a favorable location in front of the station

We will acquire an aging building that has been untouched for many years by leasehold rights, and to make it a symbol of the area for its landmark location, and to realize it through dialogue with each tenant.




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竣 工 2019年8月
所在地 東京都目黒区目黒
総戸数 100戸

Contact us

For each service such as purchase, sale, and assessment of investment and business real estate For inquiries and consultations, please contact us here.

Contact us by phone


Hours: 9:00-18:00 (weekdays)
Closed Every Saturday, Sunday and public holidays

代表取締役 黒田史郎

特定建設業:東京都知事 許可(特―30)第140719号
一級建築士事務所:東京都知事登録 第60026号

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